Pulling Back the Curtain on Psychotherapy

Here are City Center Psychology, we are passionate about psychotherapy. We have experienced countless times that people have transformed their lives by having the courage to explore their lives and learn. But how does this work? What even is psychotherapy, exactly?

In this blog, we are going to be sharing a lot of exciting things about our practice, ourselves, and our work. But one of the biggest themes will be pulling back the curtain on psychotherapy and sharing what we know about what it is and how it works.

Whether you are a therapist or a client, we hope you’ll treat this is a place to learn, ask questions, and share your own experiences if you want.

Let’s start by asking – what is psychotherapy?

On the surface, there is a simple enough answer. Psychotherapy is talk between a therapist – that is, a licensed mental health practitioner – and client or patient. I think we can all agree on that. But dig a little deeper, and things get dicey pretty quickly.

Next up in this series: What is psychotherapy for? Hint: There is more than one answer…